For the bridGEs project, today is an arrival day. And as we unpacked our suitcases, we could not fail to share the results of a 24-month journey that travelled through Alto Minho, strengthening bridges and tightening relationships between companies and institutions, with a view to promoting gender equality in the work contexts of this territory. Therefore, as a balance, we recall the itineraries travelled, the learning provided and the souvenirs we brought in our luggage:
– Creation of a website and Facebook and Instagram pages, with weekly publications.
– Three communication events: Opening Conference, bridGEs MeetUp and Final Conference, involving a total of 116 people and around thirty organisations.
– Two training actions on gender equality (58h each): 27 professionals from 8 companies of Alto Minho were certified. The vast majority (85%) of people who participated in the trainings report a transforming impact of the actions, both in their professional lives and in the organisations they are part of, as well as in their personal lives.
– Three tools for analysing inequalities developed with and for organisations: Matrix for Inclusive Communication Analysis; Attitudes Scale on the Promotion of Equality and Non-Discrimination in Work Contexts; Questionnaire on Equality Practices in Social and Community Intervention
– Consultancy and tailor-made intervention in the organisational context with 5 organisations from Alto Minho: application of instruments, diagnosis, follow-up/support to the implementation of equality measures.
– Bilateral cooperation with Norway: visits, with the partner KUN Centre for Equality and Diversity, to various companies and public entities in southern Norway with good practices in gender equality; organisation, by the Director of KUN, of a workshop on sexual harassment in higher education institutions, held in Porto; KUN’s intervention at the project’s closing conference, held in Viana do Castelo.
– Dissemination of knowledge, results and products generated by bridGEs project: 4 scientific articles written; 6 participations in national and international scientific events, with the presentation of 5 posters and 3 oral communications.